Sunday, January 29, 2012


Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Anita Roddick, Madonna, Carmen Electra, Julia Roberts, Tommy Hillfiger, George Clooney, Dolly Parton, Sophia Loren, Rob Lowe, Gwyneth Paltrow, Oprah Winfrey, Paula Abdul, Cher and many others all use Feng Shui principles for health, prosperity, and success in their homes and offices.

Donald Trump 
photo source: google
Donald Trump is often hiring Feng Shui masters to eliminate negative Chi and protect his top investments by building his structures that are in harmony with nature, and Feng Shui teachings. Following Feng Shui principles, the main entrance of the Trump Tower was placed facing the Central Park to receive all positive chi for prosperity and success. To eliminate fast, killing chi headed straight at the building from the traffic, Master Pun-Yin recommended to place a globe in front of the building.

Bill Gates
photo source: google
Bill Gates is another Feng Shui fan. Even the house of Bill Gates, richest man in the world, is said to be located in the perfect location in the hills to bring its owner great wealth. With a mountain behind his house providing protection and support. It provides support and “financial backing” to his home. The Dragon and the Tiger on each side of the landscape energizes his home, and Lake Washington in front of it completes the Feng Shui.
Richard Branson
photo source: google
Richard Branson of the Virgin empire has used feng shui to huge advantage. 

Anita Roddick
photo source: google
Body Shop founder Anita Roddick freely stated that her headquarters and shops around the world had been designed using the principles. 

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